Department of Kiswahili
- Ndungo, C.M. na Mugambi, P.J.M. (2005). Hazina ya Kiswahii. Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi. Longman. Kenya: Nairobi
- (2004). Uhondo wa Kiswahli. Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi cha Kidato cha 2. Macmillan Publishers: Nairobi.
- (2004). Uhondo wa Kiswahili. Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi. Kidato cha 3. Macmillan Publishers: Nairobi
- Ndungo C.M. na Wafula, R.M. (1993). Nadharia ya Fasihi Simulizi. University of Nairobi Press: Nairobi.
- (1993). Tanzu za Fasihi Simulizi. University of Nairobi Press: Nairobi.
- Ndungo, C.M. na Mwai, W. (1991). Historical and Modern Development of Kiswahili Nairobi University Press: Nairobi.
- (1991). Misingi ya Nadharia ya Fasihi, Nairobi University Press: Nariobi.
Chapters in Books
- Ndungo, C.M. (2006). “Matumizi ya Tamathali za Usemi katika Lugha ya Kisiasa”.
- (2006). The Image of Women in African Oral Literature: A Case of Gikuyu Oral Literature in OSSREA. Gender Issues Research Report Series No. 23.
- (2006). “Kiswahili as a Tool for Regional Integration and Cooperation in the East African Region” in Sure-Kembo et. al. Language Planning for Development in Africa. Moi University Press: Eldoret.
- (2005). “Gender Dimensions in Higher Education Management” in KDSA. Re-Invigorating the University Mandate in Globalising Environment. Challenges, Obstaces and Way Forward. DAAD, Nairobi.
- (2004). “HIV/AIDS and Its Impact on the Family in Kenya”. AAWORD: Nairobi.
- (2004) “Gender Roles and Feminization of HIV/AIDS Management” in Status of Environmental Health Education in Eastern African Region, Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward. Department of Environmental Health, Kenyatta University, Nairobi.
- (2003) “Song: An Agent in Social Deconstruction of Gender”. In Disparities in Developing Countries. Types: Challenges and the Way Forward. Association of Third World Studies: Nairobi.
(2001). “Usawiri wa uana katika Magari ya Umma” in - (1996). “Kisasi” in King’ei, G.K. and Wafula, R.M. (Wahariri). Pendo la Heba. Chama cha Waandishi wa Kenya: Nairobi.