The Candle for Leadership given to each Participant of the the GWLN 2015


Participants at the Great Dinner- Silicon Valley Los Santos


Participants at the Great Dinner- Silicon Valley Los Santos


Learning to be a Leader- Whole Woman-Whole Leader; Whole World


Being Inspired in the Great Dinner at Silicon Valley.


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The University initiated restructuring in 2018 where some departments, sections and directorates were merged or de-established. In line with this, the former departments of Sociology and of Gender and Development Studies were merged into one, Sociology, Gender and Development Studies.

The Department offers courses in two mutually exclusive but complementary areas of Sociology and Gender and Development Studies.  This therefore means that a student taking Sociology as a discipline may also opt to take Gender and Development Studies and vice-versa.


The discipline of Sociology offers a variety of programmes in various areas of specialization such as Demography, Marriage and Family, Industrial Sociology, Medical Sociology, Social Gerontology, Urban and Rural Sociology, Community Development, Social Planning and Evaluation.  Students taking Sociology can find job opportunities in NGOs, development agencies, government ministries and departments, academia/universities, and research organizations both locally and internationally.

Gender & Development Studies

The discipline of Gender and development Studies offers a variety of academic programmes.  Broadly the programmes are designed to address such issues as: Gender disparities in all sectors of the economy, mainstreaming gender in policy formulation and socio-economic and development programmes. Career opportunities in this discipline can be found in NGOs, UN agencies, government institutions, self-employment/consultancy, and research and teaching.

Vision Statement

To become a Department of sociology and gender responsive professionals and researchers distinguished by diligent inquiry, critical reflection, dynamism, inclusiveness, innovation and self -reliance.

Mission Statement

To provide quality education and training that encourages utilization of skills and values that recognize gender inclusiveness and sociological development in the society.


The objectives of the Department of Sociology, Gender and Development Studies are to:-

  1. To prepare students to become professional sociologists, researchers and scholars.
  2. To equip students with sociological analytical skills to serve society.
  3. Produce gender responsive professionals and researchers who utilize their knowledge for the service of society.
  4. Promote multi-disciplinary discourse and interaction with other stakeholders and scholars who are sensitive to gender and development concerns in the society.
  5. Promote mutual understanding of gender as it relates to development through teaching, research, knowledge dissemination, consultancy and social interaction.

Core values

The Department of Sociology, Gender and Development Studies upholds the following core values: -

  1. Gender responsiveness and inclusivity.
  2. Integrity –accountability, transparency and professionalism.
  • Inclusive participation in academic research and scholarship
  1. Presence and visibility among gender and development professionals and ground students for professionalism and an academic career in sociology.


  • Running academic programmes in Sociology, Gender and Development studies
  • Successful sensitization seminars, public lectures for students at Kenyatta University and surrounding community.
  • Accomplished successful conferences and international trainings
  • Accomplished various student and staff outreach activities
  • Establishing of networks, collaborations and linkages with likeminded actors within and outside Kenya

Date                Day                Time    Function                                                    Venue

September 2015

8th                   Tuesday           9.00     Departmental Meeting                          Arts Complex Boardroom

15th                 Tuesday           9.00     Meeting New Students                        Arts Complex Boardroom

24th                 Thursday         9.00     Postgraduate PhD Presentations           Student & Business Centre

October 2015

8th                   Thursday         9.00     Exam setting and Moderation              Arts Complex Boardroom

13th                  Tuesday           9.00     Departmental Meeting                          Arts Complex Boardroom

22nd                 Thursday         9.00     Postgraduate Presentations MA                      Student & Business Centre

November 2015

5th                   Thursday         9.00     Postgraduate Presentations MA           Arts Complex Boardroom

10th                 Tuesday           9.00     Welfare Committee                              Student and Business Centre

19th                  Thursday         9.00     Appraisal & Publication                       Arts Complex Boardroom

December 2015

8th                   Tuesday           9.00     Welfare Committee                              Arts Complex Boardroom

15th                 Tuesday           9.00     Departmental Meeting and Exams           Arts Complex Boardroom

January 2016

11th                 Monday           9.00     Curriculum Review                             Arts Complex Boardroom

14th                  Thursday         9.00     Meet New Students                              Arts Complex Boardroom

20th                  Wednesday      9.00     1st Sem. Results Moderation                Arts Complex Boardroom       

21st                 Thursday         9.00     Postgraduate Committee                     Student & Business Centre

February 2016

10th                 Wednesday      9.00     Exam Moderation                                Student & Business Centre

11th                 Thursday         9.00     Curriculum Review Committee                      Arts Complex Boardroom

18th                 Thursday         9.00     Postgraduate Committee                      Student & Business Centre

23rd                 Tuesday           9.00     QMS Committee                                  Arts Complex Boardroom

March 2016

2nd                  Tuesday           9.00     Appraisal & Publication Committee     Arts Complex Boardroom

14th                 Thursday         9.00     Curriculum Review Meeting               Arts Complex Boardroom

17th                 Thursday         9.00     Postgraduate Committee                     Student & Business Centre

24th                 Thursday         9.00     Linkages Committee                            Arts Complex Boardroom

                                                            Welfare                                                Computer Center

April 2016

14th                 Thursday         9.00     Examination Results Moderation                     Arts Complex Boardroom

May     2016

3rd                   Tuesday           9.00     Appraisal & Publication Committee     Arts Complex Boardroom

16th                 Monday           9.00     Timetabling and Exam Committee      Arts Complex Boardroom

19th                 Thursday         9.00     Postgraduate MA Presentation              Student & Business Centre

June 2016

7th                   Tuesday           9.00     Exam Setting Moderation                    Arts Complex Boardroom

16th                 Thursday         9.00     Postgraduate Ph.D concept\Proposal     Student & Business Centre

21st                  Tuesday           9.00     Linkages and Welfare Committee        Arts Complex Boardroom

July 2016

5th                   Tuesday           9.00     Postgraduate Committee Meeting         Student & Business Centre

12th                Tuesday           9.00     Quality Management Systems              Arts Complex Boardroom

26th                 Tuesday           9.00     Academic Advisory Committee                       Arts Complex Boardroom

  • Prof. Wilfred Subbo
  • Prof Jamin Masinde




SERVICE DELIVERY CHARTER         Tel/Ext: 4103/4378








Unit Registration

Student Unit Registration Form filled with the units to be taken


4 weeks

Registration Committee

Unit Adjustment

Units Adjustment Form with the Units to be adjusted


4 weeks

Registration Committee

Examinations Results Queries

Customer Complaints Register filled at the Exams Office


Two days

Exam Co-ordinator

Recommendation/Introductory Letters

Draft Introduction letter and Student Identity card


One hour


Student Advisory

Personal/Enquiry Written


Two hours

Student Advisory Committee

Dr. Leah Wanjama – 0722748806

(Committee Head)



Any service rendered that does not conform to the above service standards or any officer who does not live up to the commitment of courtesy and excellence in service delivery should be reported to:


Dr. Samuel Mwangi,

Chairman, Department of Sociology, Gender & Development Studies                           

Tel. +254 20 8704103

Email chairperson-sociologygenderThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



                        The Vice-Chancellor

                         Kenyatta University

                         P.O Box 43844-00100, Nairobi


                         Mobile +254 710890005

                         Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Dr. Samuel M. Mwangi

Dr. Samuel M. Mwangi

Department of Sociology, Gender And Development

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