Dr George Evans

Position: Lecturer
Postal Address: Kenyatta University P.O. Box 43844, 00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office:+254 (0) 20 8710901 Ext. 4566
Cell-Phone:+254 (0) 722614878

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Specialization & Research Interests
Medical Sociology; Sociology of Health and Illness; Qualitative Health and Social Research Methods; Philosophy of Social Sciences; Health Systems Research; Monitoring and Evaluation; Evidence-Based Interventions, Early Childhood Development; Health Seeking Behaviour; HIV Prevention with Young People; Parent-Child Interaction Processes; Livelihoods.

Papers Presented At International Conferences & Workshops

  • Owino, G. E. (2017) Meanings of a Positive Diagnosis among People Living with HIV in Kenya: Findings from a Phenomenological Study. A Seminar Presentation at the University of Helsinki, 19th September, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland.
  • Owino, G.E. and Wairimu, A. K. (2015), From Diagnosis to Adaptation: How Social Definitions of Health and Well-Being Influence the Experiences of People Living with HIV in Kenya; a research paper accepted for the International Conference on Governance of Public Health in Africa, 19th-20th November, 2015 in Dakar, Senegal.
  • Owino, G.E. (2015), Diagnosis and Biographical Outcomes: A Phenomenology of Life with HIV in western Kenya; a research paper presented at the First Global Conference on Patient-Centered Care held at Kenyatta University from 29th Sept. to 2nd October. 2015.
  • Owino, G. E. (2013), Illness Experiences of People Living with HIV in Kenya: A Case Study of Kisumu County; a paper presented at an International Workshop at the Centre for Development Research, Bonn Germany, May 2013.

Papers Presented At Local Seminars & Meetings

  • Owino, G.E. (2015), Illness Experiences of People Living with HIV in Kenya: A Case Study of Kisumu County; research findings presented at the Department of Sociology Kenyatta University, August 2015.
  • Owino, G. E. (2005), Preferences and Utilization of Health Care Services among Slum Residents in Kenya: A Case of Mathare Valley, Thesis Defence, Graduate School, Kenyatta University, July 2005.
  • Owino, G. E. (2003), Preferences and Utilization of Health Care Services among Slum Residents in Kenya: A Case of Mathare Valley, a Masters proposal defence, Board of Postgraduate Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kenyatta University, 2003.
  • Owino, G. E. (2002), Preferences and Utilization of Health Care Services among Slum Residents in Kenya: A Case of Mathare Valley, Postgraduate Research Seminar, Department of Sociology, Kenyatta University, 2002.


  • Lindland, E., Mwoma, T., Owino, G. E., Ngutu, M., Okeng’o L. and Nelima, D. (2018) Expanding the Basics: Mapping the Gaps between Expert, Decision-Maker, and Public Understandings of Early Childhood Development in Kenya. Washington D.C.: A Research Report published by Frameworks Institute, USA.
  • Owino, G.E and Wairimu A.K. (2015), From Diagnosis to Adaptation: How Social Definitions of Health and Well-Being Influence the Experiences of People Living with HIV in Kenya; Peer-reviewed research paper under consideration for publication by CODESRIA.
  • George Evans Owino, (2015) Illness Experiences of People Living with HIV in Kenya: A Case Study of Kisumu County. Published Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Bielefeld Library: Bielefeld.
  • Maina, W. M., and Owino, G. (2011) “Empowering Farmers and Farmer Organizations for Greater Participation and Prosperity in the Western Kenya Sugar Belt.” In Waswa, F., Netondo, G. W., Maina, L.W., and Naisiko, T (Ed.) (2011) Commerical Sugarcane Farming
  • Maina, L., Oto, S., and Owino, G. (2006) “Gender and Environment.”Pp. 142-157 in Fuchaka W., S. Otor and Mugendi, D. 2006.Environment and Sustainable Development: A Guide for Tertiary Education in Kenya. Vol 1. Nairobi: Downtown Printing Works Limited.



Dr. Samuel M. Mwangi

Dr. Samuel M. Mwangi

Department of Sociology, Gender And Development

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