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Research Interests
Problematic of improving quality of life of all people especially in Kenya
I understand quality life from psychosocial perspective which entails enhancing individual psychological and social capabilities and contributing to human development through capacity building in which individuals learn new skills and explore their potentials in a way that is satisfying to self and beneficial to the society
Within this broad arena, my interest in research is research in Skill formation and Globalization, and Parenting.
Presentation in Academic Conferences
- ITAM -12TH International Conference at Kenyatta University: The Relationship Between Pornography Viewing and Sexually Aggressive Bahaviors Among Male Students in Selected Kenyan Universities: Anne Wamathai, Merecia Anne Sirera & Margaret Mwenje. July, 2014.
- Kenya Guidance, Counseling and Psychological Annual Conference, Egerton University, Prevalence and Reasons for Pornography Viewing Among Male Students in Selected Public Universities in Kenya: Ann Wamathai, Merecia Anne Sirera & Margaret Mwenje. August, 2014.
- The First Annual International Conference on Innovations for Advancement of Humanity IFAH 2011...
- The Third Annual International Conference on Innovations for Advancement of Humanity IFAH 2013 : Eldoret Polytechnic, The effects of Alcoholism onTeachers Professionalism In Laikipia County: Samuel Chege Thiari, Merecia Anne Sirera, Margret Mwenje Psychosocia Callenges faced by Retired Police Officer: Acase of Retired Administration Police Officers in Kenya: David Muthondeki, Merecia Anne Sirera and Margaret Mwenje
- Makerere University, Uganda; Effects of Alcohol Abuse on Parental Role of Guiding Their Children in Busia and Nyeri Counties; Margaret Mwenje & Merecia Sirera, 2010.
- Effects of International Aid on Education Policy Making in Kenya 2007 Bristol University untited kingdom
- Bristol University conference: Secondary School Curriculum for Knowledge Economy in Merecia Anne sierra 2007
- Bristol University ; Connection Five conference : Relevance of Secondary School Curriculum in Identity and Empowerment of Students Merecia Anne Sirera 2006
- Bristol university : Researching on an Interdisciplinary topic Merecia A. Sirera 2005
- Bristol university : Semantic Isolation In Short term Merecia A Sirera
- Sirera A.M.(2014) Education and Skill Formation for Economic Development in Kenya ; Submitted to the International Journal of Education and Research and accepted for publication on 16th September 16th
- Sirera A. M & Mwenje M Effects of Alcohol Abuse on parental Guidance of children IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 19, Issue 8, Ver. VI (Aug. 2014), PP 15-23 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
- Muthodeki, D, Sirera A. M , Mwenje, M.; Psychosocial challenges faced by retired police of officers: A case of Retired Administration Police Officers in Kenya, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 19, Issue 8, Ver. I (Aug. 2014), PP 55-63 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
- Wamathai, A. Sirera M. and Mwenje M : Relationship between Ponography and Sexually Aggressive Behaviour among male Students in Selected Kenyan Universities IT Application& Management : Culture and Humanities in the Digital Future Korea Data base Agency 2014
- Sirera M. A. Effects of Socialpolitical and Historical factors on curriculum outcomes East African Journal of Education Vol 1 Issue No 1 2011 ISSN 2070-0881
- Sirera M.A & Chelimo K.K : Towards Education Policymaking in a global Era A collaborative approach: Journal of Technology and Social-Economic development Vol 1 2011
- Kiarie, J. Sirera, M. Mwenje, M. The Role of Dual Roles on Teacher-Counselor Burnout among Secondary School Teachers in Thika District. Kenya Guidance, Counseling & Psychological Journal, 2011
- Chelimo K.K. & Sirera A. M. Educational policy for sustainable development: Challenges and Opportunities: Journal of Technology and Social-Economic development Vol 1 2011