Name:  Waweru Wanjiru E

Title/Qualification: Tutorial Fellow

Department: Psychology

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Address: 11156-00400

Area of Specialization: Alcohol and Substance Abuse among the youth, Special needs program specialist

Research Interests: Influence of emotions on alcohol and drug abuse, Adolescence problematic behavior and family influence, Working with Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Workshops Attended

  • Workshop on the lessons for life campaign and their focus on raising awareness on the impact of HIV&AIDS on children and adolescents, and taking action to protect and advocate.
  • Training on Drug Demand Reduction


  • Brainchild behind the formulation of a Youth Taskforce within NACC.
  • Implemented a new registry system at the P.C.E.A Limuru Presbytery Girls Home.
  • Established an incident reporting process at the Home.


Dr. Eunice Githae

Dr. Maingi Lydiah Ngunjiri
Department of Psychology

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