Title/Qualification: Dr. /PhD
Department: History, Archaeology, & Political Studies
Designation/Position: Lecturer
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Address: HAPS; +254 2-8710901/17-19, Ext. 4164;
Google Scholar: scholar.google.com/susan waiyego mwangi
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3877-7988


Referred Journals

  • Mwangi, S and Okinda, A (2019) A Critique of Kenya's Security Sector Reforms (SSR) in the Fight against Terrorism" In International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019, pp 1795 – 1806 https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v8i8/show_abstract.php?id=ART2020699
  • Mwangi, S and Nenpomingyi, S (2017) The Politics of Anti-Corruption in Africa: Challenges and Lessons from Nigeria and Kenya In Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities Volume 6 Number 1, June 2017
  • Mwangi Susan et al (2016) Les jeunes dans la région du lac Albert (Ouganda) entre revendications et nouvelles opportunités economiques In L’afrique Contemporaine volume 3 No 259, Paris; France
  • Mwangi S and Fouere, M (2012) The special issue of cahiers d’Afrique de l’Est on disabilities No. 46-2 September –October 2012
  • Mwangi, S, Maina, L. and Waswa, F(2005):Pitfalls in Constitution-Making in Kenya: Experiences from Bomas and the 2005 National Referendum In L‟Afrique Orientalle -annuairre 2005. L‟Harmattan. ISBN: 978-2-296-02643-8. EAN 9782296026438.

Books and Books Chapters


  • Mwangi, S; et al (eds) (2019). The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence: Remembering the Marginalized and Forgotten Issues and Actors.
    Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
  • Mwangi, S et.al (eds) (2015) Kenya’s Past as Prologue; Voters, Violence and the 2013 general elections twaweza communications, Kenya
  • Mwangi, S et.al (eds)(2008) Assessing Gender Policies in the East African Region; Case Studies from Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda DPMF , Kenya

Book Chapters

  • Mwangi, S and Maina, G (2019) 20 years since the Rome Statute of the ICC: Experience and Prospects for Criminal Justice and Good Governance in Africa In Wasonga, J and Nyawo, J International Criminal Justice in Africa. LawAfrica Publishing Limited.
  • Mwangi, S and Opongo, E (2019) General Introduction In Mwangi, S; et al (eds) (2019) The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence: Remembering the Marginalized and Forgotten Issues and Actors.
    Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
  • Mwangi, S et al (2019) Nationalism and the Nation Building Project in Kenya, 1963-2014: an appraisal In Mwangi, S; et al (eds) (2019) The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence: Remembering the Marginalized and Forgotten Issues and Actors. Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
  • Mwangi, S and Okinda, A. (2019) The International Criminal Court and the National Building Project in Kenya In Mwangi, S; et al (eds) (2019) The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence: Remembering the Marginalized and Forgotten Issues and Actors. Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
  • Mwangi, S (2019) General Conclusion: Reversals and Gains of Nation Building In Mwangi, S; et al (eds) (2019) The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence: Remembering the Marginalized and Forgotten Issues and Actors.
    Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
  • Mwangi, S (2019) Emerging Debates on Experiences and Challenges of Refugee Protection In Africa and Europe In Elisabeth, W et al (eds) Refugees and Forced Migrants in Africa and the EU Comparative and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Challenges and Solutions; Springer Nature, Switzerland
  • Mwangi,S et.al(2016) Tracing a forgotten heritage; the place of Mau Mau memory and Culture in Kenya In Deisser A, and Njuguna, M 2016 UCL Press.London
  • Mwangi, S et.al (2015) Kenya’s General Election: A National Event Set Between ‘The Inescapable and the Unforeseeable’ In Mwangi, S et.al (eds)(2015) Kenya’s Past as Prologue; Voters, Violence and the 2013 general elections; Twaweza Communications, Kenya
  • Mwangi, S (2015) Kikuyu-Kalenjin Relations in IDP Camps and the 2013 Elections: An Invitation to The Conversation In Mwangi, S et.al (eds)(2015) Kenya’s Past as Prologue; Voters, Violence and the 2013 general elections Twaweza Communications, Kenya
  • Mwangi, S (2015) Internal Displacement and the plight of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Kenya; 2008-2012 In Golaz, V and Thibon ,C(eds)Enfants et jeunes hors les liens en afrique de L’est Karthala. Paris
  • Mwangi, S and Owino, S (2012) Beyond Quantity; Higher Education in Kenya In Universites, Universitaires en Afrique de L’Est Karthala, Paris and and IFRA, Nairobi
  • Mwangi, S ( 2009) NEPAD: A New Development Paradigm for Africa in Amuwo, A et al. Civil Society, Governance and Regional Integration in Africa DPMF , Kenya.
  • Mwangi, S(2008) Gender Policy in Kenya and the Impact on Women’s Involvement in Politics In Thundu, N et al.(2008) Assessing Gender Policies in the East African Region; Case Studies from Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda DPMF , Kenya
  • Mwangi, S ( 2008) From the OAU to the AU: The Experience, Promise, and Expectations in Adejumobi, A and Olukoshi, A (eds) The African Union and New Strategies for Development in Africa Cambria Press, Amherst, New York.
  • Mwangi S.et.al (2008) Making the Kenyan Constitution: The challenges and Prospects In Nyanchoga, S (ed)(2008) The Constitutionalism and Democratisation in Kenya, CUEA Pauline Publications, Nairobi, Kenya


Dr. Edwin Atianyi Gimode

Dr. Edwin Atianyi Gimode
History, Archeology, and Political Studies

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