Title: Dr
Department: History, Archaeology & Political Studies 
Contact Address: P.O Box 10496, 00100 Nairobi 
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Position: Lecturer
History, Archeology and Political Studies
Area of Specialization: History
Research Interests:Pastoral Demography, Pastoral Mobility & Survival Strategies; Resource access and Use in Pastoral Landscapes; Anthropology of Conflict; International Conflict and Cooperation.


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Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • PhD 2019, University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
  • MA 2007. University of Connecticut

Conference Presentations

  • Gitu, Kennedy Wagura:Preliminary Report on Samburu Demographic Dynamics 1984- 2016,Nairobi,14/04/2016
  • Gitu, Kennedy Wagura:Youth and modernity: the Current Status in Samburu Pau,France,21/10/2015
  • Gitu, Kennedy Wagura:A Historical Analysis of Pastoral Boundaries:A Case of Samburu Ecological Boundaries,LAM, Pau France,16/ 11/2014
  • June 19-21, 2014- Conference on Refugees and IDPs in KU. Presented a paper titled “Economic Capital of Somali Refugees in the Reconstruction of Somalia"

Workshops Papers

  • Cultural Resource Management: the Debates and State of Affairs. Kenyan Heritage and Prehistory Scientists’ Workshop British Institute in Eastern Africa March 28th & 29th 2018.

Workshops Attended

  • 10th May, 2021 East African Archaeologist and Heritage practitioners' workshop, Online.
  • Kenyan Heritage and Prehistory Scientists’ Workshop, British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA) 28& 29th March 2018
  • The Effects of American and Asiatic Crops to Great Lakes Kingdoms, Global Africa Project, Institute of French Research in Africa (IFRA) 10th- 12th July 2018.

Research Experience

  • 2021 PI Abandoned Land, demographic crisis and the contested claims in Laikipia.
  • 2021 PI Urban Herders or Pastoralists? The Livestock Keepers Living in the Margins Nairobi City.
  • 2014 ― 2019   PhD research Samburu Demographic Dynamics 1984 to 2018.
  • 2017―2019     Pamoja Project on Oil and Conflict in Turkana, University of Pau and Kenyatta University
  • 2016―2018     Joint secretary, Global Africa
  • Co- PI. Transmara Sugar Outgrowers Mapping Project. Consulted by Transmara Sugar Company Limited. Focus on Gucha , Transmara and Migori Districts.
  • 2014― 2016    CODESRIA
  • 2011/ 2012. Research Assistant, Historical Ecology of East African Landscapes, Laikipia Plateau.P.I. Prof. Paul  Lane.
  • Research Assistant, Mapping Urban Transport: Matatu Transport Sector Kenya, PI Ference Meghan, Washington University St. Louis.
  • Summer 2005 & Summer 2006. Research Assistant, Roc de Marsal (France) research project University of    Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • March — June 2005. Field Researcher. The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center, Mashantucket             CT.
  • Research Assistant, University of Helsinki and British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, Projects in Tanzania (Engaruka), Uganda and Kenya.
  • October 2003— February 2004. Research Assistant, Northern Kenya Nutritional and Health Project, Covering the             Gabbra, Dassanetch and El- Molo
  • October — December 2002 and September — November 2003. Research Assistant, Engaruka Environmental and Land Use Patterns Tanzania. Joint Project, University of Helsinki Finland, University of Uppsala Sweden, British Institute in Eastern Africa and University of Dar- es Salaam, Tanzania
  • April 2002 —December 2002. Graduate Attaché, British Institute in Eastern Africa, participated in research projects in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya
  • June — August 2001. Research Assistant- the Archeology of Settlements Within the Town Walls, Gede Ruins. PI Stephane Pradines, CNRS, France


  • Wagura Kennedy, G  ‘Wildlife for Livestock’: COVID-19, Tourism and Community Conservancies in Northern Kenya.’ Hemispheres: Studies on Cultures and Societies, Vol. 36/2021.
  • Wagura Kennedy G & Muthegethi David, M. in review ‘Conforming to survive: climate change, power and adaptation of the pastoral Samburu of north central Kenya.’ Journal of Global Environmental Change
  • Wagura Kennedy, G in review ‘Wildlife for Livestock’: COVID-19, Tourism and Community Conservancies in Northern Kenya.’ Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies, Vol. 36/2021.
  • Wagura, K (2019). Samburu Demographic Dynamics 1984― 2018. Pau, France: Unpublished PhD Thesis  Universite De Pau et Des Pays De L’adour.

  • Wagura Kennedy G, (2016). “Policies For Addressing Intra- County Maginalization And Economic Disparities for Social- Economic Development in Kenya”   “in Public Policy Transformations in Africa:   Trends, Challenges and the Future.

  • Ngari, L & Wagura K. In review: Blurs and Bright Spots: A Critique Of Kenya’s Vision 2030. Twaweza  Publications.

Seminars and conferences

  • December 8th December 2021, ‘Urban herders or pastoralists? The livestock keepers living in the margins Nairobi.’ British Institute in Eastern Africa Annual Conference
  • November 30th - December 2 nd 2021, ‘from near demographic collapse to a “bounce back”: population growth, mobility and settlement in Samburu.’ looking backward, looking forward: African demography in the historical perspective.’ International Union of Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Serena Sweet Waters.
  • September 8th 2021, ‘Culture in the Times of Plague. Coronavirus’ Impact on the Cultural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.’ Division for Research on Sub-Saharan Africa Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures Polish Academy of Sciences (DRSSA IMOCPAS)
  • 2020 "From near demographic collapse to a ‘bounce back’: population growth, mobility and settlement in Samburu:, Paper presented to Departmental Seminar on History, Archaeology and Political Studies (SHAPS) on 12th November 2020.
  • 2018, The Effects of American and Asiatic Crops to Great Lakes Kingdoms, Global Africa Project, Institute of French Research in Africa (IFRA) 10th- 12th July 2018.
  • 2018, Cultural Resource Management: the Debates and State of Affairs. Kenyan Heritage and Prehistory Scientists’ Workshop British Institute in Eastern Africa March 28th & 29th 2018.
  • July 7th ─8th 2017, Preliminary Report on Samburu Demographic Dynamics 1984- 2016. Samburu Guest House, Maralal Samburu County.
  • 21st October, 2015, Youth and modernity: the Current Status in Samburu. Les Afriques dans le Monde (LAM), Pau France
  • May, 13- 15 2015, Exploratory conference on Africa and the World Research Project. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology.
  • 16th November 2014, “A Historical Analysis of Pastoral Boundaries: A Case of Samburu Ecological Boundaries”. Les Afriques dans le Monde (LAM), Pau France
  • 7th November 2014, “Samburu Turkana borders old question and new challenges”. Les Afriques dans le Monde (LAM), Pau France
  • 19th – 21st June, 2014, regional conference on refugee and IDPs in a Historical Perspective: the East Africa Experience,      Kenyatta University. “The role of refugee capital (human and economic) in post conflict reconstruction: case     of Somalia refugees”.
  • April, 2008 Political Science Department, University of Connecticut Graduate Research Presentations: “China’s Increased Interest in Africa: Implications to International Order”

Books and Books Chapters

  • Policies for Addressing Intra- Country Marginalization and Economic Development in Kenya in Akuma, Gudhlanga & Mwenzwa (ed) Public Policy Transformations in Africa, 2016.


Dr. Edwin Atianyi Gimode

Dr. Edwin Atianyi Gimode
History, Archeology, and Political Studies

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