Title/Designation :Dr |
Challenges of Changing Roles of Sacred Forests: A case introducing tourism in Kaya Kinondo sacred forest, South Coast, Kenya. Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning. An Official Publication of Society of Environmental Sciences. Journal of Current Sciences. Vol 16 (1): 19-32 (2011). ISSN-0972-6101
Muiruri, P.W (2007): Finding Sustainable Policy Options for Informal Street Traders in Nairobi, Kenya: A Human-Right Based Approach. Proceedings from the Small Grants Programme on Poverty Eradication: Building National Capacities for Research and Policy Analysis. International Meeting: Results and Findings held on 27 February-2 March 2007 at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon Portugal.
Muiruri, P.W (2007): Re-planning Neighbourhood Open Spaces: The Case of Nairobi City. Proceedings of 2007 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference. Galvanizing Science and Technology for Industrialization. Towards the Millennium Development Goals. 25th -26th October2007. A Situational Analysis on Responses to HIV/AIDS Challenges in the Manufacturing of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Sector in Nairobi City, Kenya.The HIV/AIDS Challenge in Africa: An Impact and Response Assessment. Executive Summaries of the Findings of Research Projects Carried out in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe. OSSREA i)
Muiruri, P.W (2001): The Economic Impacts of HIV/AIDS on Kenyan Families. Proceedings of the National Conference on HIV/AIDS and the Family in Kenya held on 29th-30th November 2001, Nairobi Kenya.
Muiruri, P.W (2002): The Causes and Consequences of Stigmatization in HIV/AIDs. Proceedings of the Regional Conference on HIV/AIDS and the Family in Africa held on 6th-8th February 2002, Nairobi, Kenya.
Books and Books Chapters
- Women Street Vendors in Nairobi, Kenya A Situational and Policy Analysis Within a Human Rights Framework. 2010 Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa. Printed in Ethiopia. ISBN: 978-99944-55-46-1
- Muiruri P.W. Changing Dynamics in Urbanization of Poverty and the Emerging Governance Challenges in Poverty Reduction in Kenya. 2014. Beyond State Building: Confronting Africa’s Governance and Socio-economic Challenges in the 21st century. Edited by Samuel Kale Ewusi and Jean Bosco Butera. UPEACE Africa Programme
- Muiruri P.W. Linking Informal Social Arrangements, Social Protection and Poverty Reduction in Urban Slums: Case of Mathare Informal Settlement, Nairobi, Kenya. 2011. OSSREA Publication.
- Muiruri, P.W. ‘Finding Sustainable Policy Options for Informal Street Traders in Nairobi, Kenya: A Human-Right Based Approach’. 2008. UNESCO Small Grants Programme on Poverty Eradication Building national capacities for research and policy analysis. Published by the United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France. ISBN: 9-789231-040764
Student Co-authored Publications
- An Investigation of Coping Strategies Adopted by Small-Scale Sugarcane Growers in Bungoma County, Kenya . Protas Fwamba Khaemba, Dr. Philomena Muiruri1 & Dr. Thomas Kibutu. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021 Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajis.3.1.310
- An evaluation of grid-based rural electrification adoption dynamics in Meru-South sub-county. Charity Kageni Mbaka, Philomena Muiruri, Kennedy Obiero and Masika Oscar Kisaka International Journal of Energy and StatisticsVol. 04, No. 02, 1650010 (2016)
- Levels and Performance Outcomes of Participation in Community-Based Tourism Projects in the Coastal Region of Kenya . Authors: David A.M. Osebe, P.W. Muiruri, and George, L. Makokha International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2020 ISSN: 2307-924X
- Park user’s characteristics that influence satisfaction in urban parks in Kisumu County, Kenya. Judith Ochengo, Philomena Muiruri, Thomas Kibutu. International Journal of Innovative Research and advanced studies. Voulmen 5 Issue 11, November 2018
Funded Projects
- Research grant from UN Habitat to undertake a project entitled “Identifying Risks and Strategies on Disaster Risk Reduction in the City of Nairobi”. 2014
- The African Career Award, Rockefeller Foundation. 2006. Project Title: Participation of Women in the Planning, Implementation and Management of Low-income Housing Projects.
- Organisation of Social Sciences Research for Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 2008. Project Title: A Situational Analysis on Responses to HIV/AIDS Challenges in the Manufacturing of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Sector in Nairobi City, Kenya.
- National Council of Science and Technology Grant Program. 2005-2006. Project Title: A Situational Analysis of HIV/AIDS in the Hospitality Industry in Kenya: The Need for a Workplace Policy
- United Nations Education and Scientific Organization (UNESCO): Small Grants Programme on Poverty Eradication and Human Rights. 2006-2007. Project Title: Finding Sustainable Policy Options for Informal Street Traders in Nairobi, Kenya: A Human-Right Based Approach.
- Organisation of Social Sciences Research for Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). Research Grant under the Senior Scholars Research Grant Award. 2007-2008. Project Title: Towards New Policy Measures to Govern Women Street Vendors from a Human Rights Based Approach in the City of Nairobi, Kenya.
- Kenyatta University Vice Chancellors Research Grant. 2008-2009. Project Title: Enhancing Community Participation in Pro-poor Tourism Projects in the Coastal Region of Kenya
Conferenced/Workshops/Seminars Attended
- Preparation of 9th edition of the Pan African summit of Local and Regional governments (Africities) 2021. Held at on 4th and 5th February at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nairobi
- The inequality of climate change on the ‘water poor’ in Nairobi’s informal settlements, Kenya. 13th KMS International Conference on Meteorological research, applications and services. 13-15th November 2017 in Eldoret, Kenya
- Exploring the challenges and opportunities of ageing in the City of Nairobi in achieving the Post 2030 Agenda. Fourth Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-IV) October 8 – 10, 2016, Marrakesh, Morocco
- “Challenging the Dominant Knowledge Base: The Need for a Gendered Approach in Monitoring the Impacts of Globalization on Women in Kenya” paper presented during the International Conference on International Aid, Trade and Development in Africa: The Search for a Paradigm. Held on 21st -23rd November, 2014, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- “Linking Informal Social Arrangements, Social Protection and Poverty Reduction in Urban Slums: Case of Mathare Informal Settlement, Nairobi, Kenya”. Regional Conference on Informal and Formal Social Protection Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. 16-20th September 2012. Lenana Mount Hotel, Nairobi.
- ‘Effects of and Coping Strategies to Climate Variability in the Informal Settlements of Nairobi City.” The 10th Kenya Meteorological Society International Conference. 20-24th September 2011. Mombasa Beach Hotel.
- “Challenges in Natural Resource Conservation of Sacred Sites: Case of Kaya Kinondo Forest Mombasa, Kenya”. LARS-2011 Lake and Catchment Research Symposium water sanitation and energy for Sustainable Livelihoods. KUCC 14-18TH March 2011
- “Emerging Youthful Cities in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Urban Youth” paper presented during the Africa in the 21st Century: Setting the Agenda Congress held on 17th-19th December, 2008 at the Villa Via Gordon Bay Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa.