SOC/DGR 016 – Ageing in Rural and Urban Contexts
Understanding ageing as a social process. Ageing in industrial and agrarian societies. Rural and urban ageing: social and demographic dimensions. Levels, nature, grading, behaviour, characteristics of ageing and ageism. Income and continuum of care for rural and urban older persons. Challenges of growing old in rural and urban settings. Transportation challenges in rural and urban contexts. Shelter for older persons: housing and living arrangements for older persons in rural and urban areas. Institutional versus home-based care for older persons. Community roles of older persons in rural and urban settings.
SOC/DGR 020:The Psychology of Ageing (Core)
Definitions: Self, personality, perceptions and attitudes. Ageing and the realization of the self. Perceptions of older persons. Emotions, personality and ageing. Some special characteristics of older persons. Socialization into adult roles. Moral issues. Physiological and intellectual changes. Concept of successful old age. Life review: orientations and reconciliation. Psychopathology of older persons. Functional disorders. Ageing and psychological disorders: stress, anxiety, paranoia, depression, anger, violence, dependency syndrome, eating disorders, personality fragility, pervasions and mental illness. Counseling with older persons: Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
SOC/DGR 021: Research Methodology in Gerontology (Core)
Importance of research in Ageing, the rules and logics of scientific research, the role of theory in searching for ageing problems. Research design and sampling. Approaches in research: qualitative, quantitative, triangulation, macro and micro, experimental research, social survey, opinion polls, historical, comparative, longitudinal, panel, cohort, trend analysis, cross-section and case studies. Formulation of hypothesis and research questions. Applying theory: the cohort size and life chance. Participatory research with older people. Writing a research report.
SOC/DGR 022:Theories of Ageing (Core)
Meaning and principles of theory. Overview of theories including structural-functionalism, economic determinism, evolutionary, biological determinism, activity and disengagement theories. Macro level theories of ageing, Models of ageing.
Social change and ageing.
SOC/DGR 023:Ageing, Religion and Spirituality
Different religious systems: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and African traditional religion. Ageing and religion: religious beliefs as coping mechanism in old age. Ageing and morality. Role of religion in dealing with anxiety, sickness, dying and death. Religion and the interpretation of old age roles and care giving. Conflicts of cultural and religious expectations of older persons. Older persons and religious specialists.
SOC/DGR 024:Gender Issues and Ageing
Definitions: sex, gender, sexuality. Cultures of Ageing: self, citizen, the body. Gender issues in the household: older married and unmarried couples. Familial roles and relationships. Issues and concerns on the role of grandparents. Raising the children of the HIV/AIDs infected. Differential effects of ageing on women’s and men’s roles. Relationships and identities: the changing nature of gender inequalities. Gender differences in the ageing experience: experiences of ageing and well-being from the perspective of women and men. Gender dimensions in the care of older persons. Management of identity and retirement in later life. Intergenerational dialogue: systems of knowledge and skills transfer. Women/men as custodians and creators of knowledge within communities.
SOC/DGR 025:Health care Delivery for Older Persons
Health care providers and patient relationships. Health care systems for older persons. Institutional versus home-based care services. Care for special health problems: STIs, HIV/AIDS, drugs and mental illnesses. Convectional versus alternative medicine. Government policy and health care reforms. Financing health care and cost of health for older persons.
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